Friday, June 8, 2012

First Impressions of the Train

We left Union Station in Washington D.C. on Wednesday, June 6. Neither of us had ever been on a train before, so we weren't sure what to expect. At first glance, it reminded us of an airplane, but with more legroom and slightly larger seats. 

Our first stop was to Atlanta, GA, which was about a 14 hour ride. We left at 6:30pm and got to Atlanta around 8:15am the next morning. We were lucky on this leg of the trip because the train was relatively empty by the time we wanted to go to sleep. Instead of just reclining our chairs, we each laid across two seats, which proved not to be as comfortable as we had hoped. 

The bathroom on the train is ridiculously small, making it very difficult to move around in. We felt the motion of the train in the bathroom much more than when we were just in our seats, adding to the difficulty. 

So far, we haven't gotten to explore the train, but we plan to on our longer journeys. We haven't done much on the train ride other than watch movies (SAFE HOUSE!) and enjoy the scenery (and sleep). We look forward to our 46 hour journey from New Orleans to Los Angeles when we will REALLY get to know the train. 

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