Friday, June 22, 2012

Los Angeles: Day 2

Early Thursday morning, we left our luxurious La Quinta Inn & Suites and took a shuttle to Van Nuys Airport where Elena picked us up. She then drove us to Grant High School where she works. She explained that it is a typical public school in LA. We got to sit in on a chorus class and hear a couple of the students perform songs. The kids were energetic and entertaining, no doubt excited about summer break. Afterwards, we sat in the courtyard while Elena got some things together and we waited to do yoga. 

Sitting in the courtyard before yoga

A yoga instructor comes in once a week at Grant High School for teachers and students. It was a beginner's yoga class and had many typical yoga poses, such as the warrior pose and downward dog, etc... It also featured a core workout, which had some very unflattering poses, making both of us glad that there were only females in the class besides the instructor. Lauren had taken a few yoga classes at her gym before, but it had been several months since she had taken a class. She suffered. But we both agreed that it felt good after being on the train so much. 

Elena then took us back to her aunt and uncle's house in North Hollywood to drop off our luggage. Their house is gorgeous and they have the sweetest and most relaxed dog ever. Jenna is a husky, one of Lynea's favorite breed of dogs. After we got settled in at the house, we went shopping. Lynea was on the search for a cardigan. Because who doesn't search for a cardigan in the middle of the summer in California? 

Lynea's "hulk" hand

After we found everything we needed, Elena went to a fundraiser for her school and we went to Starbucks to work on the blog. We had fun with the Photo Booth on Lauren's Macbook. A photoshoot in Starbucks ensued. 

The beginning of many...

Double trouble!

Lynea's Jay Leno impression

A normal picture! 

The LA sun made it hard for us to work on the blog

After working on our blog/goofing around for a while, we then had to decide what we wanted to do for dinner. Anyone who knows either one of us knows that we both are very indecisive. We wanted go somewhere unique to LA, and somehow decided to go to California Pizza Kitchen. That's unique, right? We ordered the barbecue chicken pizza and spinach and artichoke dip. Lauren ordered an apple martini while Lynea ordered an Asian plum martini. They were divine. 

Double fisting!

Barbecue chicken pizza at CPK

Elena picked us up from the restaurant after we finished dinner and we went back to the house and prepared for our meetings with USC professors for the next day before going to bed. 

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