Thursday, June 7, 2012


We want to start out our blog by briefly introducing ourselves.

Lauren: I recently graduated from Towson University with my bachelor's degree in Gerontology. I love old people! I wanted to take this trip before entering the "real world." Of all the cities we will be going to on this trip, I am most excited to see New Orleans. After my brother and sister-in-law went there on their 1 year anniversary, they came home with so many fun stories. I also look forward to going to the beaches in CA, seeing the original Starbucks in Seattle, and going to the Big Apple for the first time. I feel so lucky to have gotten the opportunity to take this trip with one of my best friends and I look forward to all the memories we will create (both good and bad).

Lynea: I graduated from Davidson College last May and have since been working as a server/bartender at Fire Station One Restaurant and Brewing Company and continuing to conduct research on reptiles and amphibians.  While I am sad to say goodbye to family and friends I am so excited to start this trip around the US with Lauren before I start working in Atlanta!!  I am most excited to visit the zoo in San Diego and to explore San Francisco.  I can't wait to meet new people around the US and learn more about the cities they call home.

Our first stop is Atlanta, GA. We got here early this morning and will be here through the night. The other cities we will be visiting are New Orleans, Los Angeles, San Diego, Burbank, San Francisco, Seattle, Chicago and NYC! We will be updating this blog as often as we can, most likely at the local Starbucks. :) Keep checking back for new pictures and posts. We hope you enjoy reading about our adventures!

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